Establishing proper safety procedures for working in and around a grain storage facility and learning proper grain engulfment rescue techniques saves lives. GSI is a proven leader in the safety campaign for the grain industry offering products and services that promote safer working environments for those working in, or with, the grain industry. Our Res-Q-Tube and Top Guard™ In Bin Harness System are necessities to any grain facility safety practice and rescue plan. In addition, the traveling GSI Res-Q Trainer grain engulfment simulator provides an opportunity to train your staff or community on grain engulfment prevention and proper rescue techniques.
Top-Guard™ In-Bin Harness System
The Top-Guard™ In-Bin Harness System features a cable support ring running the full diameter of the bin. This system maintains a constant line of security as it does not require a harness disconnect at any point while maneuvering inside of the bin. This quick response catch locks in place upon a fall to help prevent a complete grain engulfment. Currently Top-Guard™ is available for the following storage bins. MORE
RES-Q Tube
GSI’s RES-Q tube aids in rescue during a grain engulfment if a portion of the victim is above the grain and if the grain surrounding the victim is higher than the exposed portion of the victim. GSI’s RES-Q tube is made of a lightweight aluminum for ease of transport and use. MORE